Saturday, August 7, 2010

Days 23 - Burgundy to Paris

Click here for pictures.

The was the last day for us with "Winnie the Peu" and was primarily a day of travel. We woke up in Chalons-sur-Saone and went immediately to the historic Burgundy town of Beaune -- to see the Hotel Dieu -- the hospital for the poor established by Burgundy's Chancellor Rolin, who amassed so much wealth from fleecing the ordinary people that he made such an institution necessary. The hospital itself is fascinating, but there is also Van der Weyden's "Last Judgemnenbt" to see; too bad its been moved from its original location on the alter in the main ward. It was also market day in Beaune, so we picked up a picnic lunch before beginning the drive to Paris.

We returned the car to CDG and took the RER into Paris -- very hot and sticky and I had a pickpocket attempt to remove my wallet. She failed, but stepped out of the rail car before I could whack her. Nothing was lost. We checked into our studio apartment on Rue St. Honore and had a wander through the Tuilleries and toward the Musee d'Orsayt before turning in.,

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